Aita For Leaving Negative Reviews On My Sons Book (2024)

1. AITA for leaving home after my fiancé said I'm not his son's real mom?

  • Jul 8, 2024 · My GF daughter's dad lives in a different state, he's a good guy and tries his best but he isnt there because he lives so far which is all fine.

  • "AITA for leaving home after my fiancé said I’m not his son’s real mom?" I (29f) met my fiancé Kevin(32m) six years ago when Joe was 2. I wasn’t planning on dating a single parent as I felt I was too young...

2. 10 Most Controversial AITA Threads: Which Side Are You On? - BuzzFeed

  • Mar 27, 2023 · 27 Screenshots Of Entitled People Who Left Negative Reviews For The Most Bizarre And Hilarious Reasons Ever ... My Ranking Of Each Book.

  • "I lied to my wife about the length of my work trip to avoid a vacation with my in-laws, who don't respect my boundaries."

3. Can You Guess the Book Based on its "Am I the A**hole" Post?

  • Aug 26, 2020 · AITA for Arranging My Son's Marriage? My (50F) youngest son (26M) is handsome, intelligent, and accomplished, but he has never had a girlfriend.

  • Am I the Asshole is an infamous subreddit where people vote who the asshole is in a situation. Can you guess the book based on its AITA post?

4. When rating and leaving a review vs rating and not leaving a review

5. Signs of a Narcissistic Relationship - Well Book Club - The New York Times

  • ... negative abuse I heard from my ex. ... WW from Mich. I too lost my grown children in the divorce. 48 hrs after leaving me my ex sold his business to our son ...

  • Helpful advice to determine whether your partner is a narcissist.

6. “His Wife Had A Temper He Should Know About”: Parents Berated For ...

  • Aug 28, 2023 · The entire situation, as shared on the AITA online community, was very ethically grey. On the one hand, the author of the post had given his son ...

  • The fact of the matter is that some people are simply not built for large gatherings. In some situations, however, that can create a lot of hurt feelings.

7. The day r/AITA may have saved a life - MetaFilter

  • Jan 11, 2021 · In fact the latter is one of the pieces that rang true to my own family - the idea that hiding painful truths or bad behavior or mental health ...

  • A woman wrote into Reddit's 'Am I The Asshole' with a question about whether she and he husband should take in his younger brother who displayed some disturbing behavior the last time he was...

8. AITA Poll: Money Edition - BuzzFeed

  • Jan 8, 2024 · 6. AITA for refusing to split the cost of my son's dental surgery with my ex-wife? ... 27 Screenshots Of Entitled People Who Left Negative Reviews ...

  • "The manager then tells my brother they can 35 pizzas ready by 12:45. My brother tells him that would work. When asked what to put on the line for a tip amount, my brother responded $0."

9. Wife dislikes her husband's last name - Upworthy

  • A wife who's planning on having children with her husband wants to convince him that the child shouldn't take his last name because it is offensive and will ...

  • "I totally get we can’t shield kids from everything, and I understand the whole family ties thing, but c’mon."

10. 15 Signs of a Toxic Relationship - Hey Sigmund

  • I don't want my son to grow up without a dad since his been doing a good job ... His negative loop is making me nervous and increasingly less attracted ...

  • Even the strongest, healthiest people can find themselves in the white-knuckled grip of a toxic relationship. The best protection is knowing the signs.

11. Son Gets Mom And New Husband Book About Cheating As Gift: AITA

  • A boy gave his mother a copy of "Anna Karenina" for her anniversary to show her how hurt he was by her leaving his family.

12. The Worst Mother-in-Law Horror Stories from Reddit's AITA

  • Mar 25, 2024 · If you thought that invoice was bad? Just wait until you hear this. One MIL — who quite regularly asked her son and DIL for several thousand ...

  • Struggling with your mother-in-law and want to feel a lot less alone? These stories are for you.

13. tells uncomfy SIL, 'It's not MY fault you're uneducated.' AITA? UPDATED.

  • Feb 27, 2024 · When this woman is annoyed with her SIL's response to a book she has in her home, she asks Reddit: 'AITA for not removing sensitive books, ...

  • When this woman is annoyed with her SIL's response to a book she has in her home, she asks Reddit: 'AITA for not removing sensitive books, and "making fun of my SIL's education' I live with my fiance in a one bedroom...

14. A mother has an important message about marijuana - Upworthy

  • Laura Stack's son Johnny lost his life to suicide three months ago when he was just 19 years old. Though she says the grief of his death is "still fresh," ...

  • "You may be thinking, 'C'mon, Laura, it's no big deal – it's just pot.' 'Pot's legal, so it must be safe.'

15. AITA for cutting the trip with my wife short | AM I the Bleep!?!

  • If the spouse had said, “I agree to leave my child with your grandparents ... It's focused on the negative, and not the positive. More than that, it's ...

  • AITA for cutting the trip with my wife short after I learned that my son's step-grandparents weren't feeding him properly?

Aita For Leaving Negative Reviews On My Sons Book (2024)


Can a book review be negative? ›

Negative Reviews Are Inevitable, So Expect Them

That's just how it works. The only true defense against any sort of negative review or criticism is not publishing.

What percentage of people leave reviews on books? ›

I also noticed a lot of variation in the percentage of book buyers who left a review. It ranged from 0.3% for The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up to 4.8% for my book, with an average across all 20 books of 1.5%.

Is it illegal to write a bad review? ›

In California, reviews are protected under the First Amendment Act or Anti-SLAPP statute. Therefore, before you can sue for a bad review, you should determine if the review would qualify as defamation or whether it would be protected by free speech under the First Amendment Act.

How do you get over disappointment book? ›

In this realistic, hope-filled book, John Hindley shows how to deal with disappointment what disappointment is, what it does, and how to learn to live with the disappointments while also knowing joy. If your life isn't perfect... you need this book!

How do authors deal with bad reviews? ›

Don't respond to negative reviews

Many readers think of reviews as being from readers to other readers, and get defensive when authors jump into what they see as a private space. You don't want to be the subject of the latest TikTok drama because you argued with a reader.

How do you recover from a bad review? ›

Here are seven tips to get you back on track:
  1. Allow Yourself to Feel Bummed Out. ...
  2. Aim for a Sense of Perspective. ...
  3. Set Clear Goals. ...
  4. Create a Development Plan. ...
  5. Ask for Ongoing Feedback. ...
  6. Rebuild Your Other Relationships. ...
  7. Be Consistent.

What is considered a negative review? ›

A reflection of a customer's first-hand poor experience with your product or service, that can be displayed either on your website or on an external review provider.

Can a review be positive or negative? ›

Many business owners also look for the feedback from customers, which should ideally include both the positive and the negative. However people are eager to improve, so overlook the positive. If you didn't have a good experience at a place, would you leave a negative review or no review at all?

Can you leave a negative review? ›

If a customer has a bad experience with your business, they are within their rights to write a review that is a truthful reflection of their experience. Negative reviews like this may still harm your business' reputation, but you cannot take action against truthful reviews.

How do you write a negative review? ›

Offer specific examples and present suggestions on how the company can improve. Keep your tone respectful and avoid personal attacks. Take a step back and objectively evaluate the situation. Acknowledge any positive aspects as well, if there are any.


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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Views: 6098

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.